Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Competition Time

My favorite thing about dance was competing. to be a dance you do not have to go to competitions. I know many great dancers that didn't compete like I did. Basically at a competition they go by age, category, and by group size. The ages of the average competition are mini (2-6), junior (7-11), teen (11-15), and senior (16-19). A competition, depending on how many studios register and how many numbers there are, can last up to 4 days. 

Solos go on day one from youngest to oldest in categories. Duos and Trios go the next day by age followed by small group, large, and lines the nest couple days. The largest competition I have been to had thousands of dances. In bigger cities that's normal. I have only competed in Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Texas so they usually only go a weekend. The competitions I went to most were Starpower, Talent on Parade, Nextar, and Bravo. I went to about 5 a year beginning in February and ending with nationals in June. I have gone to bigger national competitions in Florida, Sandusky, and Las Vegas which are normally the bigger competitions that last a week out of the summer. Starpower is the largest competition i have attended in my time as a competition dancer. 
picture by Starpower National Talent Competition 

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I wished my mom got me involved in competitions at a young age instead of just doing studio dance. I love watching the competitions on tv! They always entertain me.
